According to Calder and Malthouse, advertising is the process of translating a brand’s benefit, promise, value proposition, or positioning into a message and delivering it through a medium. Digitalization has enabled new contexts and platforms for advertising messages, resulting in significant shifts in advertising practices over recent decades. As consumers’ use of digital media evolves, it’s important to evaluate the role of advertising and its impact on their journeys.The traditional view of advertising portrays consumers as passive recipients of messages (Vakratsas and Ambler, 1999). Thus, the function of advertising has traditionally been understood to conform to the hierarchy-of-effects model, with the primary goal of persuading prospective customers to make a purchase at a later date (see Wijaya, 2015). These models were developed during a period when advertising and purchasing were often separated by time and location. Advertisements in print and broadcast media were controlled by producers (Klein, 1981).
Prospective customers were expected to make their purchase at a later time and location, separate from when they were exposed to the advertisements. Today’s digital media environment differs significantly from the traditional, one-way media environment (Dizard, 1997). Because of the interactive nature of digital media, consumers have more control over the experience. For example, increased consumer control over the digital media use process has resulted in the disregard or avoidance of unwanted advertising.
According to a 2017 report by Ericsson ConsumerLab, advertisements are increasingly perceived as a disruption to consumers’ media experiences. Advertisers are increasingly using consumer-generated content, social media marketing, and interactive online advertising to convey their messages (Sheehan and Morrison, 2009; Ashley and Tuten, 2015; Belanche et al., 2017). However, these approaches rely on consumer engagement and perceived value of advertising content. Advertisers are now focusing on creating ads that increase consumer engagement and value, similar to content marketing.
Koiso-Kanttila (2004) defines digital media as a network of bit-based objects accessible via digital interfaces. Digital media content includes website pages, social media posts, games, videos, audio, and images in digital format. Digital media’s networked nature allows consumers to easily switch between media items based on their preferences. According to Srinivasan et al. digital media allows consumers to directly move from advertisement to purchase. We argue that digital media is merging advertising and sales functions into a consumer-driven process.
Vargo and Lusch (2004) argue that service logic shifts the customer’s role. According to ibid, “Marketing is a process of doing things in interaction with the customer”. In a similar vein, recent conceptualizations of the advertising process see the consumer as empowered and involved in shaping the outcomes (Acar and Puntoni, 2016). The concepts of interaction and collaboration with consumers are well established in modern advertising thought. Consumers now expect to have control over their media experience through interactive interfaces (Duff & Lutchyn, 2017). Thus, interaction plays a key role in digital media.
The three service logics prioritize interaction and collaboration, while also emphasizing value-in-use and how it emerges during consumer processes. According to Grönroos (2008), Heinonen et al. (2010), and Vargo and Lusch (2004), the value of an offering is only realized when it is used by consumers. In digital media, advertisements can be evaluated based on their perceived value to consumers. Traditionally, advertisements have been valued based on their usefulness, informativeness, entertainment, and other. Finne and Grönroos (2017) define the value of an advertising message as its integration into the consumer’s life, also known as communication-in-use. Communication-in-use refers to how consumers interpret and engage with marketing messages in their daily lives.
The message’s value depends on the consumer’s internal and external factors, as well as their perception of past and future events. The communication-in-use view assumes that messages are integrated into the consumer’s daily context. Advertisements in digital media are often integrated into a larger user experience. A service- and value-in-use approach to digital advertising should consider both the consumer’s context and their interaction with networked media content. Digital advertising is increasingly seen as valuable to consumers.
Consumers have greater control over digital content, allowing them to skip irrelevant content. Research indicates that advertising avoidance and content marketing are becoming increasingly popular. According to Bardhi et al. consumers can gain control over their media consumption by multitasking, which involves quickly switching between various types of content on the same digital device. To capture consumers’ attention, advertisements should provide them with desired content while also supporting their own value-creation processes.
Grönroos and Gummerus (2014) suggest that digital advertising’s value-in-use can be understood through the consumer’s value-creation process. According to their opinion in SL, consumers create value through their own processes, which are facilitated by providers. So providers can capture some of the value created by consumers during their processes. In advertising, consumers are assumed to have a value-creation process that includes advertisements. Advertising that aligns with the consumer’s value-creation process can be a valuable resource. If not, it could be rejected or ignored. Although not explicitly discussed in advertising research, the concept of advertisements as resources in consumers’ value-creation is gaining traction.
According to Leboff, effective digital selling involves engaging consumers in relevant contexts that align with their interests, objectives, and current activities. The uses and gratifications perspective in media studies suggests that consumers choose digital media content based on the desired ‘gratifications’ (Sundar and Limperos, 2013). processes. From an SL perspective, Leboff’s’ areas of interest’ or ‘current activities’ and Rubin’s ‘user needs’ in the uses and gratifications approach can reflect consumers’ value-creation processes.
Similar to service research, digital advertising research focuses on consumer control and empowerment. Consumer-driven theory (CDL) sees consumers as incorporating services into their lives while maintaining control over the process. In digital advertising, consumers have control over their media consumption and can embed advertisements into their own individualized processes. Personalized digital advertisements are consistent with individual consumer logic.
Similar to service research, digital advertising research focuses on consumer control and empowerment. Consumer-driven theory (CDL) sees consumers as incorporating services into their lives while maintaining control over the process. In digital advertising, consumers have control over their media consumption and can embed advertisements into their own individualized processes. Personalized digital advertisements are consistent with individual consumer logic.
Activities related to sales, advertising, promotion, and pricing are included in marketing. Any business that promotes a good or service using Internet media or the network “www” is said to be engaging in internet marketing, often known as e-marketing or online marketing. A website Marketing is a communication activity that uses the Internet and other media. Online marketing presents a wealth of opportunities for this business, which is evolving and will require ongoing strategy development in the future.
Kotler and Armstrong (2011) define online marketing as initiatives to market goods and services and create customer relationships online, which may be translated as initiatives to market goods and services and create consumer relationships online.
Kotler and Armstrong define online marketing as initiatives to market goods and services and create customer relationships which may be translated as initiatives to market goods and services and create consumer relationships online. A large public network (internet) comprising networks linking computer network users from all over the world to one another and serving as a significant information storage facility is also revealed by Kotler and Armstrong E-commerce, sometimes referred to as online marketing, is the word used to describe the sale of products and services through the internet.
The two main types of items purchased online are clothing and computers. Security is one of the reasons why they favor cash on delivery (COD) or transfer payments made through ATMs. An organization can use self-service methods while marketing online. This issue indicates that a company may serve customers without using human resources and can scale back on telephone infrastructure and services. According to Kotler & Armstrong, there are two viewpoints on businesses that engage in internet marketing: the brick company and click It indicates that the business does business through both traditional (offline) and digital (internet) methods.
These are businesses that solely do transactions online. A brick and mortar business are one that only exists in the actual world outside of that.
General internet marketing activities embracing or centering around topics that are relevant to product production crafting marketing language or copywriting, soliciting, or purchasing. Web design activities (web design), banner advertising, company promotions through information search engines (search engines), email (e-mail), email advertising, affiliate marketing (affiliate marketing), interactive advertising (interactive advertising), and others are typically included in this internet marketing.
Advertising is an information medium that is created in a way to draw in
audiences, be unique, and have features that are definite and convincing so that audiences are willingly persuaded to behave in the way the advertiser desire. Advertising is a method of communication used to inform and persuade an audience to make a purchasing choice
regarding a good or service, in this example, potential consumers (Haider & Shakib, 2017). Advertising is any sort of non-personal, sponsor-funded presentation and promotion of ideas, products, or services. According to Kotler and Keller, advertising encompasses any non-personal presentations and promotions of concepts, products, or services by the sponsor for a fee also highlighted that advertising as a method of persuasion is not directly based on information about the benefits of a product, but rather is prepared in a way that induces a person to engage in an activity or make a purchase by emitting a joyful, mind-altering experience.
Television, radio, newspapers, and magazines have long since dominated the advertising medium. However, in modern times, online advertising has taken the lead in advertising endeavors and efforts (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). According to Aksa & Kartini’s (2015) research, internet advertising is typically found on websites developed by businesses that target the activity. Promotion, then the online advertisements that show up as long as internet users have a notion of them. This is connected to how the adverts appear and are designed, which can create a positive impression of internet advertising. However, the positioning of online advertising in terms of layout merits consideration because it irritates internet users.
Then, according to Wei, Jerome, and Shan, “the internet is a network of internationally connected computers that provide businesses with pricey and practical instruments for advertising and consumer communication. The term “internet advertising” applies to this. The internet is a vital component in marketing. Many Company websites are handled by the marketing department. The Internet has a profound effect on how businesses interact with their clients and forge relationships with them.
Purchase intention is the desire to make a purchase of a good or service with the expectation of receiving some sort of benefit from it. People who are interested in something will have the desire or power to engage in a sequence of activities to approach or get the item. Interest is tied to something personal as well as related to attitudes. One type of consumer behavior is the desire or interest to purchase a good or service. Potential consumers, also known as consumers who haven’t made a purchase yet but are likely to do so in the future or prospective purchasers, are the consumer form of interest in making a purchase. Consumer buying interest, according to Kotler and Keller, is a consumer behavior in which consumers have strong urges to select, utilize, and consume or even covet a product that offered.
Next, Schiffman and Kanuk (2010) demonstrated that a consumer’s buying interest may be characterized as a satisfaction with the thing expressed by payment or sacrifice. However, Kotler, Bowen, and Makens (2014) point out that a number of factors, including the following, shape customer buying interest:
• The degree of the negative features that others hold against the alternative that the consumer loves and the willingness of the consumer to follow others will determine how much the attitude of others reduces their liking for that alternative.
• Unexpected circumstances may influence how consumers feel about making purchases in the future. It relies on how confident consumers are in their ability to decide whether or not to purchase a product. Consumers can make the following five sub-purchase decisions to carry out their purchase intentions: Brand decisions, Supplier decisions, Quantity
decisions, Timing decisions, and Payment method decisions.
Additionally, according to Schiffman and Kanuk, customer interest in making a purchase can be sparked by external stimuli, understanding of a need, recognition of a product, and appraisal of alternatives. Social and cultural variables, as well as effort marketing, make up this external effect. The marketing communications mix is under issue in terms of marketing activities. Kotler and Keller state the following, Advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, community relations and publicity, direct marketing, marketing interactive, word of mouth marketing, and personal selling are the eight different types of marketing communication mix. Seock & Bailey (2007) claim that a strong brand image is necessary to pique customers’ interest in making purchases.
•According to Kotler and Keller, buying behavior is impacted by four factors: (culture, subculture, and social classes), social roles, families, and reference groups also status), Personal (age and life cycle stage, employment and financial condition, character and self-concept, way of life and values), (Motivation, perception, learning, emotions, memory).
• According to Ferdinand (2006), consumer purchasing behavior may be quantified in terms of buying interest:
Transactional interest, or the propensity for someone to purchase a good; interest referential, or the propensity of a person to recommend things to others; demonstrating preference for someone’s principal product, or preferential interest. If anything happens to the preference product, this preference can be updated; as for Explorative Interests, which depicts the behavior of someone who Always seeking information about items of interest and looking for more data that bolsters the pros of the product.